North Brunswick Township HS Athletics

Staff Directory

Victoria Zangrilli

Softball: Assistant Varsity Coach

Leanne Barnhard

Swimming: Assistant Coach

Jim Biolsi

Boys Volleyball: Head Coach, Varsity

staff photo of Brian Buzney
Brian Buzney

Boys Lacrosse: JV Coach

Raheem Byrom

Boys Basketball: Assistant Varsity Coach; Track: Assistant Coach

staff photo of Megan Carroll
Megan Carroll

Girls Soccer: Head Coach, Varsity

staff photo of Mike Cipot
Mike Cipot

Football: Head Coach

Caitlin Conroy

Girls Basketball: JV Coach

staff photo of Corrie Daniel
Corrie Daniel

Softball: JV Coach

Paul Day

Football: Assistant Coach

Elisa DePasquale

Golf: Head Coach

Mark Fitzpatrick

Tennis: Girls and Boys Head Coach

Dan Gorzynski

Football: Assistant Coach

Brett Gray

Football: Frosh Coach

Schwann Grimes

Track: Boys and Girls Head Coach

Kyle Harkins

Football: Assistant Coach

Mike Herman

Boys Basketball: JV Coach; Baseball: JV Coach

Finn Joseph

Boys Tennis: JV Coach

Bradley Kilheeney

Cross Country: Assistant Coach; Track: Assistant Coach, Winter/Spring

Shaun Morrell

Director of Athletics

Corey Malley-Boehm

Hockey: Assistant Coach (South Brunswick)

staff photo of Aimee McCormick
Aimee McCormick

Bowling: Head Coach, Boys and Girls

Mark McElgunn

Cross Country: Head Coach; Track: Assistant Coach, Spring

Jeffrey Montoya

Boys Soccer: JV Coach; Track: Assistant Coach, Winter/Spring

Jackie Morrison

Athletic Trainer

Brian Muller

Girls Volleyball: Head Coach

Alexis Diaz

Track: Assistant Coach Spring

Dean Petrillo

Football: Assistant Coach

Danielle Porzio

Girls Lacrosse Head Coach, Varsity

Jessica Quijano

Girls Volleyball: JV Coach; Girls Lacrosse: JV Coach

Carrie Ann Ragavas

Swimming: Head Coach; Aquatics Director

Mike Rohal

Boys Soccer: Frosh Coach

Jake Rosenberg

Football: Assistant Coach

staff photo of David Saley
David Saley

Wrestling: Assistant Coach

Maureen Shamy

Girls Lacrosse: Assistant Coach; Girls Soccer: JV Coach

staff photo of Kelly Sookdeo
Kelly Sookdeo

Winter Cheer: Head Coach

John Suk

Boys Basketball: Frosh Coach; Baseball: Assistant Varsity

Danielle Tamarana

staff photo of Kevin  Totten
Kevin Totten

staff photo of Frank Williams
Frank Williams

Boys Volleyball: Frosh Coach; Girls Volleyball: JV Coach

Andra Camerota-Portnoy

Lead Nurse on Sports Physicals

Timothy Perillo

Boys Volleyball: JV Coach

Jason Andreadis

Head Coach Boys Lacrosse